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Copyright © . Halal.Ad | Muslim Ad Network | Online Advertising and Marketing to Muslims
Halal.Ad is an ad platform for Muslims by Muslims.
If you have a product or service targeted for Muslims, then Halal.Ad has a perfect solution for you.
Halal.Ad has a partnership to place and promote your ad with small to large Muslim portals, websites, blogs and forums whose main readers are Muslims.
You create your ads at Halal.Ad then we will take care of the rest. We will place them on relevant Muslim sites in a matter of minutes.
You can see and manage your ads from a single dashboard. You can see all views, clicks and much more about your ads.
With Halal.Ad, you will save time and money as well, inshaAllah.
Here is how it works:
It is free to sign up. There are no hidden costs. No contracts. You only pay for ad clicks or views you ordered.
You can signup as Advertiser by following this link:
You can create your ad by clicking on “Create Ad” button under “Ads” page on your Dashboard. You can also simply follow this link here:
Currently we support these two ad formats:
It depends on how many people you want to click on your ads. Below you will see our base rates:
You can pay for your ads via payment cards like: Visa, Mastercard and other major payment cards. You will be asked to pay for your ad after you upload your ad copy, photo and define your budget.
Your ads will be shown on our partner websites all across the globe. These websites are created mainly for Muslim audience. It could be personal Muslim blogs, Muslim forums, Muslim News Portals and Muslim Service Portals.
Sure. You can pay per click and the minimum payment is $1
With Halal.Ad, you can target countries to display your ads.
Yes, you can create pay for ads with daily budget as well. Or you can also choose to pay once with a lifetime budget.
Yes, of course. You can choose start and end dates for your ads and we will serve your ads in that time period.
You can stop any of your ads any time with a single click on your dashboard or under Ads page.
No, you are not tied to any monthly ad budget or monthly contract. There are no hidden fees. It is pay as go you. You pay per click or per 1000 views. You decide your ad budget.
Halal.Ad is secured by 256 bit SSL certificate. We also use Stripe as our payment solution provider.
Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor, and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available.
Stripe also forces HTTPS for all services, including our public website. We regularly audit the details of our implementation: the certificates we serve, the certificate authorities we use, and the ciphers we support. We use HSTS to ensure browsers interact with Stripe only over HTTPS. Stripe is also on the HSTS preloaded lists for both Chrome and Firefox.
All card numbers are encrypted on disk with AES-256. Decryption keys are stored on separate machines. None of Stripe's internal servers and daemons are able to obtain plaintext card numbers; instead, they can just request that cards be sent to a service provider on a static whitelist. Stripe's infrastructure for storing, decrypting, and transmitting card numbers runs in separate hosting infrastructure, and doesn't share any credentials with Stripe's primary services (API, website, etc.).
We promise to take your ads live in 24 hours in business days. Usually, it is even faster.
Our current reach out is around 1.000.000 Muslims daily. This number grows as the number of our publishers grow, inshaAllah.
Absolutely. We will allow you to preview your ad after you upload your photo. You can upload another photo or even crop the existing photo to adjust.
Halal.Ad is an ad platform for Muslims by Muslims.
If you have a website, blog or portal whose audience are mainly Muslims, we help you monetize your traffic and earn money by placing halal ads from Muslim Advertisers.
You focus on what you do best by creating more awesome content for your readers, we make sure to serve ethical and relevant ads to your Muslim audience, inshaAllah.
Here is how it works:
We will check each ad manually and make sure it is not only halal, but attractive and related to your audience as well.
Yes. However, we allow only 3 Ad Spots (widgets) on each page.
We encourage to place them above the fold and upper positions.
We pay 70% of ad spending to our publishers.
You get +$@clickPriceDisplay x 70% for each click.
Each click sends information to Halal.Ad first before and after displaying each ad and registering the click. Our accuracy is above 99%.
Imagine an advertiser creates an ad and chooses to pay per click. You get paid +$@clickPriceDisplay x 70% for each click.
A visitor on your site clicks on this ad. Then your Paid Click will be 1.
In a nutshell, Halal.Ad reports only your paid traffic whether it is views or clicks.
Because Halal.Ad reports only Paid Clicks and Views on your dashboard. Your overall traffic may be more if we can’t find suitable ads for your website.
We currently support only Paypal. It saves time and money for you and us.
At the end of each month, we will generate a final payout report and pay you this amount via Paypal.
In the first week of the following month.
Minimum payout is $10. If you make less than $10 a month, you will get paid in the following month once the sum of your payout reaches this amount.